Refuge in a sentence as a noun

In what words in the law do you find refuge for mass collection of the texts of online messages?

And frankly, I think her best move in this situation would be to say no and find refuge for herself.

The problem with being truly neutral is that while you are a bastion against tyranny, you are also the refuge of scoundrels.

It could, perhaps, but I'm very prone to using the internet as a kind of soothing, stupefying, time-wasting refuge.

Yes, they are wrong in either case, but tu quoque is the sorry refuge taken to avoid having to admit that they are also right in either.

But both are the refuge of political and economic opportunists.

"...increasing liquidity is the last refuge of bullshitters" is not an argument--it's an assertion.

One of the joys of family is built in context, a refuge from having to vet every possible meaning of the words you choose for fear of being misunderstood.

The Internet has been my ultimate refuge from the banal mediocrity that is popular "culture", and I really think things like Kickstarter are a wonderful, big part of that.

Aggressive, negative advertising is the violence of the marketing world, and as Asimov said "Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.

Facebook does not tax people, it does not prosecute, it does not put people in prison or fine them, it does not drone people, it does not go to war. Unlike Edward Snowden, an ex-Facebook employee who reveals Facebook's secret illegal activities does not have to fear for his life and take refuge in Russia.

Living in a crime ridden neighborhood in Baltimore City where other kids were getting killed for their Nikes, books and computers were my only refuge, fantasy words of SciFi, even distopian ones, a better place to live than where I started.

This is the guy who created a political movement that went so far as to fund ads for oil drilling in arctic national wildlife refuge and putting down Keystone XL pipelines, so, sorry, I'm not buying that he's in this cause because he met someone who couldn't attend college because they were illegal immigrants.

Refuge definitions


a safe place; "He ran to safety"

See also: safety


something or someone turned to for assistance or security; "his only recourse was the police"; "took refuge in lying"

See also: recourse resort


a shelter from danger or hardship

See also: sanctuary asylum


act of turning to for assistance; "have recourse to the courts"; "an appeal to his uncle was his last resort"

See also: recourse resort