Refreshed in a sentence as an adjective

It helps to eat and talk together, and if you had a happy childhood, you'll feel safe and refreshed.

Since I was never awake more than 8 hours at a stretch I was always refreshed right up to the time I would fall asleep.

I did not work Mondays, and every Tuesday morning I was refreshed and enjoyed my work.

The mission is refreshed every day, each move is voted on and the results uploaded to the rover.

Bezos, on Amazon's refreshed e-Ink readers:So meet the family.

If I'm exhausted I can take a nap, in an office I'd have to just push through and get nothing done rather than actually getting refreshed.

Pekk is correct, an area in OSM needs to be continually updated and refreshed, and this requires appropriate tools and a user base.

I browse HN a lot less now and sit in the sun a lot more and when I do sit down to work I can pump out code amazingly fast because I'm gasp actually refreshed.

They do not work like photographs or audio recordings; instead memories are laid down in nerve connections and are refreshed by running through them again.

A few of our developers who live near to each other sometimes meet up at one location and work for a day, and I get feedback that everyone feels refreshed after.

": In my mind the benefit of a near-realtime replica is not that you actually often need it, but that it means you never have to ask the question of "Was this snapshot refreshed recently enough?

There is phosphoric acid and a surprising amount of sodium, which both make you salivate, so that you briefly feel that you're refreshed -- and then your saliva is depleted so that your mouth goes dry.

Every other new/"refreshed" laptop that'll be in stores this holiday season will either have an integrated GPU incapable of playing games well on the higher resolution screens they ship with, or give up its thickness and battery life for a discrete GPU.

Refreshed definitions


with restored energy

See also: fresh invigorated reinvigorated