Invigorated in a sentence as an adjective

I'm surprised at how invigorated this news is making me feel, like a weight has been lifted.

You should never feel exhausted and drained after a workout, but should feel invigorated and alert.

This thread has definitely invigorated me to put more energy into the project soon, which I'm grateful for.

Under Jobs, the iMac G3 was invigorated with a similar aesthetic flush.

Interesting; I usually feel tired after a bunch of weight-lifting but invigorated after a long hard run.

But we tend to overindulge and think we're making progress because we read 5 new articles about X on HN today and feel "invigorated".

What will be amusing if Yahoo later acquires the newly invigorated Delicious 18 months from now.

I am an old screen guy and appreciate that there is something similar being produced, as both products get invigorated by new features and bug fixes.

This new internship invigorated my love for software development.\nOf course, every person has his own circumstances.

Part of this is just undue excitement over the prospect of a re-invigorated competitor in an industry dominated by two carriers.

Invigorated definitions


with restored energy

See also: fresh refreshed reinvigorated