Refresh in a sentence as a verb

And if I refresh the page, or bookmark the link and come back later, I'm going to see the exact same page.

It strikes me that Loren's "pull to refresh" really was an invention of a new UI concept.

Assign me some arbitrary UID and give me a 20 year cookie you refresh whenever I load a page with adwords or visit plus or login to gmail.

Don't we need a common-sense refresh to the wording of our laws and potentially our constitution as it pertains to how we now rely upon 3rd parties?

Multitask is so **** that, I kid you not, changing tabs in the browser, or going back one page, results in a full redraw of the page, and sometimes a refresh of that page.

Then, even if one team convinces to the other to install the browserid file, there is a possibility of it being deleted it by mistake during the next site refresh.

I'm glad I hit refresh and saw that the sensationalist title was edited, but even without that I think this article is a bit over the top. What they're doing is simple-* Building more direct connections between themselves and other countries, to reduce the amount of traffic going through the US.

See: pull to refresh, launch screens, side menus, etc. Apple can, and should, reclaim its position as being at the leading edge of its own platform.- Lack of a proper inter-app communications channel.

You should look into LocalStorage or IndexedDB as a way to autosave so the user doesn't lose their content by inadvertently closing the tab, navigating or refreshing.• Deleting a column is instant and irreversible.

Refresh definitions


refresh one's memory; "I reviewed the material before the test"

See also: review


make (to feel) fresh; "The cool water refreshed us"

See also: freshen


become or make oneself fresh again; "She freshened up after the tennis game"

See also: freshen refreshen


make fresh again

See also: freshen refreshen