Reduplicate in a sentence as a verb

Restic also encrypts and reduplicates, though I don't know if it's at the block level.

The one-syllable name might be reduplicated; 袁璐 might be addressed as 璐璐.4.

Just because Google results show you a thing, doesn't make that thing accurate, but merely prevalent and reduplicated in an index.

We have trillions of digital and physical copies of ourselves that merge and reduplicate every 7 days.

"laki" actually an example of a word that changes its meaning when reduplicated instead of creating a plural.

This gets you a lot of underpowered experiments, bad analysis code, and tons of reduplicated effort as people scramble to finish up, publish, and move on.

> from total, the reduplicated tee being an intensifier – “T-total”Interesting.

Thus one can reduplicate for emphasis, to imply continuation, to imply reciprocity, or to imply a relaxation of social convention.

Consequently we'd reduplicate the verb for "to beat" if we wanted to say "he frequently beats his son" or "give" if we wanted to say "they gave eachother gifts," or "walk" to mean "take a stroll," or "arrived" to indicate that in fact they arrived suddenly and unexpectedly.

But real products require all of the above in order to proceed to market, and all of the above takes a fairly long time for a company to build up, regardless of the experience of the people it hires, because the most those people can do is reduplicate their efforts without the mistakes, and even then pure reduplication is illegal because of parents etc.

Reduplicate definitions


form by reduplication; "The consonant reduplicates after a short vowel"; "The morpheme can be reduplicated to emphasize the meaning of the word"

See also: geminate


make or do or perform again; "He could never replicate his brilliant performance of the magic trick"

See also: duplicate double repeat replicate