Recur in a sentence as a verb

Just to be picky.... Clojure doesn't have TCO, it has 'recur' as a substitute instead.

For the last two weeks I've been programming Clojure full-time and haven't used a single loop macro or loop-recur.

As millions of Americans can attest to, these spending habits nearly always recur.

Would that we could simply do away with Pando altogether so that this kind of controversy might never recur.

It isn't reasonable to expect that signal to recur on every repost; that would amount to carte blanche for reposts.

The problem is rather a series of statistical biases that recur at intervals in the keystream.

Doesn't loop/recur only help in directly self-recursive calls, as opposed to mutual recursion or tail calls to function arguments?

[Edit to add: My description of management fees is slightly simplified and ignores salient things like the fact that they recur annually.

That was not a mean-spirited comment, especially if you imagine someone with a bit more experience seeing the same thing recur needlessly.

It is a cautionary tale for those who believe that once repressive and discriminatory regimes are eradicated they will not recur; on the contrary, it is likely that humanity will struggle with bigotry and oppression for as long as it exists in its present form, transhumanism notwithstanding.

Proper Noun Examples for Recur

At one point during the explanation I think Sergey mentioned recursion, and Terry asks "Recur-what?

Recur definitions


happen or occur again; "This is a recurring story"

See also: repeat


return in thought or speech to something


have recourse to; "The government resorted to rationing meat"

See also: resort