Recuperation in a sentence as a noun

Eisenhower's recuperation was "spend six months in bed." It looks pretty sad from here.

Rest and recuperation is an essential part of being a pro" Couldn't have said it better myself.

And if you read further, don't just score the resultant deaths, there's a lot of pain, recuperation, I'm sure adhesions are a possibility, etc. etc.

While completing a novel famous authors tend to write only for 4 hr during the morning, leaving the rest of the day for rest and recuperation." That is a strong suggestion that 4 hours of creative work is about the daily limit.

Everything is just amazing at that age because pretty much nothing affects your well-being in any way, or rather, recuperation from any kind of abuse is at its all-time peak. Enjoy the ride!

Maybe for immediate, urgent care, but definitely not for recuperation or follow-up.

In electric cars particulates from braking are also hugely reduced, as most braking is done by engine / recuperation.

The point to building mental muscle seems to be alternating between periods of excertion and recuperation. Anyone telling you that carrying weights constantly is the path to strenght is proably trying to get you to build their pyramids, pulling stone slabs up an incline day and night.

While we're on the compensation topic, it would be nice to include sick/vacation days, recuperation etc. Pension/IRA matching should probably also be included.

Society should embrace periods of steady state and decline as periods of rest and recuperation,because deprivation and hunger can be good catalyst,for the next growth spurt. Actually during prosperous times people tend to be wasteful and complacent.

It feels like renting a lakehouse for some much needed mental health recuperation is at the bottom of the barrel as far as risk factor goes. Considering California is seeing 30,000 a day Covid numbers, it feels like "stay home" when 50% of the country doesn't give a **** anymore is like throwing a cup of water on a house fire at this point.

Faced with having their mental energy drained down to nearly nothing, they prefer no-effort recreational activities like TV. Basic income will unleash a temporary plague of laziness, as people snatch back control of their own life, raise a middle finger to the world that has hurt them, and seek comfort activities and recuperation. This will continue for a month or two, and then they'll get intolerably antsy for something constructive to do.

“Thus, we decided it would be best to leave the hospital privately to be able to give her the rest and recuperation she needs at this time.” It sounds like she's weakened from not only fighting off the illness, but being bedridded etc for several weeks.

Recuperation definitions


gradual healing (through rest) after sickness or injury

See also: convalescence recovery