Convalescence in a sentence as a noun

No worries, best of luck with the convalescence!

That and the cost of bed occupancy are the primary reasons that convalescence mostly happens at home.

[1] Past personal experience: Many of the elderly people I have seen go through car crashes in which the airbag deploys experience injuries from the airbag that often lead to their death or convalescence. Of course, they would have fared no better without the airbag.

Also found in words like "convalescence" with the "strength" connotation ending up in words like "valiant" and "validity". When we "validate" something, we are proving it to be strong, which is a connotation of "healthy".

I can't stand that, so Perl was never for me, but I still hope that against all odds this long, drawn-out apparent deathbed scene turns out to be the middle of a successful convalescence.

Everyone stands around the ballroom with red noses, and many hold handkerchiefs near their faces in anticipation of the next sneeze, showing how these socialites chose class duties over convalescence and containment. Even though "social distancing" wasn't used as a clear phrase.

Then again he was quite the ambitious military officer before his post-injury convalescence.

> logically taking someone you shoot out of the war altogether, by killing or maiming them, is vastly superior to their coming back after convalescence. Strongly disagree, as do at least a few military strategists throughout history.

W/r/t the latter point, it almost seems to me as if vacation is viewed as a sort of convalescence--ie, well it's available if you need it, but if you are strong enough then of course there will be no need. The fact is that our jobs are not physically demanding; we do need a 'rest' from physical activity, but rather we need to rest our minds.

A shortening of the time of hospitalizations and accelerated convalescence was regularly observed. Of course I have no idea how this generalizes to the pneumonia you get from coronavirus...

Your advice is excellent, full of pragmatic wisdom and, had I encountered similar guidance during my convalescence, I likely would have regained my confidence sooner. Especially useful is your suggestion to “be professional about it” as a contextualization for words “that are not really meant to be believed, and allows everyone to save a little face”.

What they should be saying is that there is no federal mandate for private employers to pay workers during vacation/convalescence/maternity leave. In point of fact, for government workers there is paid annual/maternity/paternity leave which ends up being "use or lose" and in effect becomes a mandatory leave - something universally omitted in these articles.

Faulkner: He did not feel weak, he was merely luxuriating in that supremely gutful lassitude of convalescence in which time, hurry, doing, did not exist, the accumulating seconds and minutes and hours to which it its well state the body is slave both waking and sleeping, now reversed and time now the lip-server and mendicant to the body's pleasure instead of the body thrall to time's headlong course.

The fact that cases over time are skewing younger also depresses the death rate but that's somewhat misleading as to impact, because seriously ill younger people are less likely to die but also more likely to have long hospitalization and post-hopsitalization convalescence, and that's only considering immediate consequences and not the increasing array of significant delayed health consequences that are being identified.

Convalescence definitions


gradual healing (through rest) after sickness or injury

See also: recuperation recovery