Recommendation in a sentence as a noun

If I have a recommendation to current MySQL users who would like to try Postgresql, just give in.

Disqus is well known, has lots of traffic, and so a recommendation from them carries a lot more weight than some random benchmarks.

The general recommendation was to not try to outsmart the compiler.

Once it was clear that the recommendation engine wasn't a growth vector, the Reddit team seemed to drop it out of sheer pragmatism.

If you're just genuinely interested, ask for a book recommendation.

Most recommendations revolved around 2 solutions: 1 db per tenant, or 1 db for all tenants with a tenant_id in each table.

A netflix style recommendation system for subreddits would improve the quality of reddit 10 fold and give it a chance of lasting the next few years.

So, if you have such business, my recommendation would be to make sure that you can contact your most active users quickly if your domain is disabled.

I've found no way to turn off this recommendation bubble and have since decided youtube is best used without an account if you want to actually explore its content.

I can't point to any recommendation in the post I specifically disagree with, but I'm pretty confident if he met me he'd find some reason to think I'm a loser.

Concur with javajosh's recommendation to find a California/USA-based lawyer for help.

Since NHK demonstrated 4K TV a couple years ago, everybody in the consumer electronics world has understood 4K to mean 4x 1080p, arranged 2x2, and that is what ITU standardized in recommendation 2020.

The manifesto includes the recommendation that "software contributions must be included in systems of scientific assessment, credit, and recognition.

Recommendation definitions


something (as a course of action) that is recommended as advisable


something that recommends (or expresses commendation of) a person or thing as worthy or desirable

See also: testimonial


any quality or characteristic that gains a person a favorable reception or acceptance or admission; "her pleasant personality is already a recommendation"; "his wealth was not a passport into the exclusive circles of society"

See also: passport