Receptive in a sentence as an adjective

They weren't very receptive, they had a phone to build.

TV shows are especially created to dumb us down and make us more receptive to the ad-break.

They should be much more receptive audiences than first-party NYT staff.

It's reasonable, even if not every place is receptive to it.

Some places are receptive to "my total compensation at my last place was $xyz, but I'm looking for a different kind of mix of $qrzw".

To the person who said this: "For all the money we collectively give Microsoft, they were not too receptive to extending the deadline.

The aim is to find influencers who are passionate on a niche topic, have strong relationships with the group and are receptive to new ideas with plenty of reach.

But there is something about human development that is particularly receptive to the meme of fiction.

If the public is better informed about the processes of its own life, it will be so much the more receptive to reasonable appeals to its own interests.

I might like a lot of things but am I going buy any of them?Without a proper search it's hard to detect this intent and to know when a customer is most receptive to sales.

"Not necessarily, and I should clarify here. I think pilots can be shot for a lot less than they are, and I think audiences are proving themselves quite receptive to previews and other short-form "pilot" systems as proofs of concept.

The success of a petition fundamentally depends on two things: a receptive audience, and a bunch of people willing to make a little effort to say "me, too."

Scientists, who had been saying for years that the growing obsession with security was demoralizing to research, suddenly found receptive listeners.

I realize this is a social news aggregation site and not a diplomatic summit, but I think you'll find people a lot more receptive to your ideas if you can refrain from adding the last touch in your post.

He would have been much more humble if his attackers toned \n it down a notch.\n\nConversely you can argue that the 'attackers' would have toned it down a notch if Telegram had been more humble and receptive of the comments.

History, philosophy, and writing skills are much less dependent on the state of the art, and it's easier to find a skilled, accesible and receptive mentor in all of these fields than it is in programming or computer science.

Comments like "We are 100% completely corrupt", "Every single thing that the US stood for has literally been murdered", and "America is dead" are so absurdly over the top that they undercut your message and turn off people who might otherwise be receptive to your comments.

Receptive definitions


open to arguments, ideas, or change; "receptive to reason and the logic of facts"


ready or willing to receive favorably; "receptive to the proposals"

See also: open


of a nerve fiber or impulse originating outside and passing toward the central nervous system; "sensory neurons"

See also: centripetal


able to absorb liquid (not repellent); "the paper is ink-receptive"