Guano in a sentence as a noun

Unfair to guano. ... which is largely KNO3.

I don't think there's any significant guano trade now, and definitely not in the range of $1B / year.

It allowed US citizens to claim islands with guano deposits to be US territories.

And if the UI layer's code is anything as atrocious as the markup and IA is.. well, let's just say I'm glad I'm not the one spelunking my way through that guano cave.

I don't know if you know much about Victorian farming techniques, but it was around then that bat guano was discovered to be an excellent fertilizer.

Another comment said something about guano being an influence so if the number of bats back then was not near the number now then it is feasible that the Egyptians could have gone further without breathing tools.

" Answer: in all probability, you'd be a couple thousand dollars richer now for three minutes of work, the worst possible outcome would have been accepting the offer at $110k, and nobody at your company would care either way because the difference is bat guano to them.

Guano definitions


the excrement of sea birds; used as fertilizer