Receipts in a sentence as a noun

Oh, by the way, you have 7 days until we delete all your receipts.

Why share receipts with a third party?What is your exit strategy?

"So Google apparently does not see read receipts as a problem.

* If a customer has more than 20% in receipts than the previous day, freeze all funds for 190 days.

In fact, he somehow managed to order more DVDs, so I got more receipts in my inbox.

Not just paper ballot receipts held to check in case of allegations of voter fraud.

I was never out of pocket for reimbursable expenses because time/date stamps on receipts always matched.

This was their proposed solution to my problem:As long as he or she keeps using your email address, youll continue to get receipts.

For example, in 1800, custom duties comprised about 84% of government receipts.

This is really anything backed by a physical asset -- the ideas to do colored coins which were gold warehouse receipts were insane/inane.

One interesting tech solution I've seen at Argo Tea in NYC is the deployment of Wi-Fi codes on receipts: each code lasts for about half an hour or an hour.

If I give a company my email address so I can get my receipts from them, and then I get "valuable offers" and "service announcements" from them, that's spam, plain and simple.

Both claims were buyers ripping me off. I provided signed FedEx receipts for boxed software shipments and IP addresses/dates/times when the customer registered the software and downloaded updates.

The income housed in Bermuda is from non-USA receipts, each of which have already passed through a local tax jurisdiction from wherever they were generated.

That is, economists' insight into the present American dilemma is mostly limited to a determination of how the distribution of tax receipts under whatever bargain prevails will affect future economic growth.

Receipts definitions


the entire amount of income before any deductions are made

See also: gross revenue