Reasonable in a sentence as an adjective

If at this point, Putin sounds reasonable and is starting to look like the better of two devils, we're in deep ****.

When my clients ask me to quote a fixed price for my work on a project, I give them a reasonable fixed price because I can afford to do that.

In this light, papers like solved problem but with monads are entirely reasonable: theyre about bringing things over to this new basis.

The person buying the home retorted that it was reasonable and asked the new guy why he wouldn't buy the Porsche Boxster he considered his dream car.

I not only appreciate what they are trying to do moving forward, but also the entirely good natured, reasonable tone of the whole message.

If the lack of a reasonable debugging environment costs me even 5% of my productivity, that is too much, because games take so much work to make.

If that employee gets appropriate respect for his skill set, and reasonable compensation for the risks inherent in a startup, then it's a fair trade.

If you try to add capacity to a system at 100% utilization, it is not going to work.> 5. mongos is unreliable> The mongod/config server/mongos architecture is actually pretty reasonable and clever.

But this start-up model of hiring scales just fine to companies of 500-1,000 technical people if you're willing to create a culture where everyone, especially the top technical leadership, is personally invested in hiring and devotes a reasonable amount of time to evaluating people.

Reasonable definitions


showing reason or sound judgment; "a sensible choice"; "a sensible person"

See also: sensible


not excessive or extreme; "a fairish income"; "reasonable prices"

See also: fair fairish


marked by sound judgment; "sane nuclear policy"

See also: sane