Galleon in a sentence as a noun

I don't think magellan wants to get sued when your galleon of gold bullion gets lost at sea...etc. That kind of thing.

Then there is the great galleon of tradition, and on board it travel the great poets and dreamers of the past.”Apologies to Yeats.

So it'll become legal to own a fully-armed 17th-century galleon again?

Kevin] Wensing said, “it probably started out back in the galleon days, or back when there was a big lighthouse at Alexandria, Egypt.”

This doesn't hold in the age of slavery where you could get sold by the curt to slavery and serve on a galleon until you payed back your obligations.

If I were going to come up with a hypothetical explanation for the maps beyond 20th century forgery, I'd say that it's more likely that some 16th century Manila galleon strayed a bit north on the return trip to Acapulco and did some secret mapping.

Galleon definitions


a large square-rigged sailing ship with three or more masts; used by the Spanish for commerce and war from the 15th to 18th centuries