Readying in a sentence as a noun

I'm readying myself to accept this model of Bitcoin forums and move on, lol

I agree, I'm frustrated that I'm in work and I cant justify readying the whole thing...

It's likely debugging utils that were missed when readying for release.

After readying HN for many years, I've finally created my own project.

Half a dozen is pretty easy to hit when you have such a wide variety of people readying your post online.

A CS degree course can be a lot of fun, but it's not focused on readying you to working in technology.

After spending the last 15 minutes slowly readying and scrolling down these comments, I'll admit, I laughed.

So, "Reddit" isn't readying for anything- just some overly militant subreddits.

Of course they're readying for a product launch, a product that appears to become popular, so they'll need to invest in production capacity and materials, but is a takeover really necessary and the best way to achieve that?

Fathers now spend much more time playing and talking with their children than they did in past decades, but men’s domestic labor—cooking, cleaning, and readying the kids for school—has not kept pace, meaning women are still working the “second shift”"This is a fine example of how to misuse statistics for ideological reasons.

Readying definitions


the activity of putting or setting in order in advance of some act or purpose; "preparations for the ceremony had begun"

See also: preparation