Reachable in a sentence as an adjective

We think we're just getting tools to be reachable by people of interest. Instead we're just giving the world a way of spamming us.

All important controls are either near the bottom or reachable by swiping. On Android, I have to reach to the top for all kinds of stuff.

But what if neither my wife/friend is immediately reachable and I waste my one phone call away... .

But his posts usually end up high here on HN and generally the authors whose posts reach high have a bio page reachable. He is relevant and he created svbtle, but that's all I know.

Because then services offered by their customers would not be reachable for over 97% of the internet. I would assume that's bad for business.

They exist in spades and many of them are trivially reachable online. This will 10x your business.

Those with the most reason to sell right now are the early adopters, but it's not actually clear how many of those coins are actually reachable.

The idea behind these rules is to make it crystal-clear that no one can expect you to be reachable outside of office, which became somewhat a problem in the last years.

A German company would be stupid to store data on servers reachable for US industrial espionage. It's really tough to avoid that - given that the US surveillance and spying is also done directly in Germany in a large scale.

Where your path was a narrow funnel leading to one specific destination, you will now have the infinity of all possible and reachable paths ahead of you. You couldn't do anything but worry about the startup - now you can do anything you want.

They might not be in the closest or most fashionable neighborhoods, but they'll be reachable by NYC's excellent transit system. In SF you have nowhere good to go unless you want an absurd commute, and its transit is horrible compared to NYC. So you're either rich or you're in a crummy apartment or with roommates.

There are locations in most cities that are not efficiently or safely reachable via bus. Visitors to cities also tend to need point-to-point transit; it takes some know-how and a lot of flexibility to get from an airport to a business meeting in a near suburb, for instance.

In cisco-speak this is "ip verify unicast source reachable-via rx" Once you move further towards the core, the problem becomes exponentially more complex. Asymmetric routes are common, so it's not weird at all to get a packet handed to you from a different ISP than you would reply to it.

Sometimes, it's appropriate, as the people who could do something about the problem are here, or reachable quickly through here. The prospect of being shamed before the HN community is probably a very effective motivator for companies who've been engaged in hinky behavior to clean up their acts, too.

So everyone suffers under an adverse decision in this case: The US economy suffers because businesses seriously concerned about privacy choose to locate elsewhere Law enforcement suffers because those businesses are no longer reachable when they have a legitimate reason to obtain the communications of spies, terrorists, or plain old criminals, and get a narrow warrant that properly protects the privacy of innocent bystanders. Individual liberty suffers because a precedent will make it easier for people who don't care about privacy and use domestic providers subject to these overbroad warrants to be caught up in a surveillance dragnet That being said, Congress, not the courts, is the proper venue to address those practical arguments.

Reachable definitions


easily approached; "a site approachable from a branch of the Niger"

See also: approachable