Ragtag in a sentence as a noun

Its a ragtag group of crooks unified under the portrait of Putin.

It just proved that US was better at targeted killing than Al Caida or whatever that ragtag bunch was called.

The future is an unknown and hey, maybe the MOD does want a ragtag bunch of IT admin staff to partake in military operations.

I assume you're making the argument that a ragtag bunch of rebels wouldn't have a chance standing against an empire armed to the teeth with the latest war machines.

What chance does a ragtag team of people from various backgrounds working part time on a open source project have against a determined enemy with billions in funding and hordes of PHDs working full time with single goal of violating privacy of netizens.

The argument some have made is the supporting Dart is much more complex than supporting Coffeescript and it will be hard for an entirely ragtag open source community effort to back it up without serious corporate involvement from one or more sources.

Ragtag definitions


disparaging terms for the common people

See also: rabble riffraff