Quire in a sentence as a noun

Nothing is worse than a 'not quire right' 'seems almost the same but isnt' UI.

Yes, first-world problems, but they might be quire pricey.

Thanks felipe,I can repro this quire regularly now.

> Pi is not a decimal number!Of course it is -- although choice of base is quire arbitrary.

The "preaching to the quire" metaphore could not be more applicable to this situation.

I had no idea "quire" was another way of saying "choir," with the exception that "quire" may also refer to a measure of paper.

Sounds like scaremongering to me. Chinese powers/oligarchs act here quire rationally.

I'm not good to give quick Go learning tips but I think it's interesting that the general consensus is that Go and Chess quire significantly different "mindsets".

It's quire rare for anyone to hit a optimizer bug and when it happens one can always selectively disable the buggy optimization method.

Everyone here who's arguing about their superior European social programs are really preaching to the quire, because most Americans on Hacker News would **** to have these social programs.

So your claim that government coercion is necessary to either find out the information or disseminate it is obviously false - there are existing systems for doing both, and they work quire well - at least, not worse than government ones - where they are applied.

Both are games of perfect information but it seems that the greater complexity of Go yields quantitatively different requirements for good play - in Go, people teaching generally talk about having the right attitude, avoid "greed" and similar "fuzzy" criteria.

This means that the website's operator may not actually waive the Attribution requirement.\nI have contacted the website operator to clear this up.[1] actually, the submission form says "You also agree to let me license the pattern as Creative Commons – in other words, give it away to the world for free.

Quire definitions


a quantity of paper; 24 or 25 sheets