Quieten in a sentence as a verb

Once I've sloughed off this layer of mucus, it should quieten down.

A few relevant points made in those verses:* Controlling your breath can help quieten the mind.

It'll quieten the vocal ones, but being a pragmatic bunch of people, most golang users just won't care much, at least at first.

The commonality being to quieten the active mind, though sleep has the benefit of more time.

Will this quieten down the outrage from Magnus' decision to offer the draw in the final classical game now?

I think my preferred policy would be to mandate this noise for now and then slowly quieten it as people got used to quieter cars.

So correcting others on the internet might be a way to quieten these insecurities.

We should probably have a speculation tax on commodities too, to quieten the wild swings in prices we sometimes see.

I guess this is a special case where if someone is telling another to quieten down, it is ok to chime in...edit: the stick analogy and toning it down

The fact that Mozilla are working on it alongside Google should quieten the screams, and they do also have a javascript library for IE, Safari, Chrome and FF3.

She said she'd been trying for years to quieten the internal dialogue through meditation, and then after the stroke she finally experienced it.

During this stage, when a meditator sits down to meditate, his mind does not quieten beyond sporadic short periods lasting no more than a few seconds.

When the voice of self abuse started - usually the moment after my partner left the room, but sometimes even before that - I'd whip out my phone instantly to quieten it.

You quite clearly know absolutely zilch about how much work Ashe does, and you so very obviously have no idea whatsoever how to value it, so how about you quieten down and go take a look at yourself, eh?

Now all I need are some products to allow me to get dressed in the dark; quieten opening draws and wardrobes; silence the noise I make as I hop around the bedroom trying to get my left foot in a sock; stop the floorboards from creaking...

Quieten definitions


become quiet or quieter; "The audience fell silent when the speaker entered"

See also: hush quiet quiesce


make calm or still; "quiet the dragons of worry and fear"

See also: calm quiet tranquilize tranquillize tranquillise lull still


cause to be quiet or not talk; "Please silence the children in the church!"

See also: hush silence still