Psychometry in a sentence as a noun

In light of that, your objection to psychometry's comment calling for oversight is quite absurd.

Jensen is the most renowned scientist in the field of psychometry and intelligence research.

It is the strongest predictor available in psychometry.

We can't have nice things because of corruption, profiteering, neoreactionary sabotage, etc?Edit: psychometry above phrased it much nicer than I did.

Francis Galton had done some early psychometry, and published his results claiming that the English upper class was the upper class because they were genetically superior to the lower classes.

Is it reasonable or fair-minded to immediately tar opponents to your argument as racists, eugenicists and "psychometry peddlers looking for suckers"?I am uninterested in engaging with the substance of Taleb's arguments here, because the style is so needlessly vicious.

Psychometry definitions


any branch of psychology concerned with psychological measurements

See also: psychometrics psychometrika