Prostrate in a sentence as a verb

Wait, you need to take a prostrate exam to join the Turkish Army?

I only wish they do not seek to prostrate europe to achieve their goal.

> Later, guards found him "prostrate on the > floor of his cell and unresponsive.

The chances that I already have prostrate cancer are about 1/3.

Basically, this is going from a standing position to fully prostrate, 108 times.

Yeah - "it ain't coming back", but is it not coming back because we don't prostrate ourselves enough, or because we don't care for our workers enough?

As the dying officer fell, Crowley leaped out of the car, grabbed the officer's revolver, and fired another bullet into the prostrate body.

Prostrate in a sentence as an adjective

When a candidate presents himself for training, he must prostrate himself and declare that he is willing to do anything that needs to be done to solve the great matter of life and death.

You can complain about it, you can legislate about it, you can gnash your teeth and prostrate yourself and offer blood sacrifices to your preferred god, but nothing will change this basic fact.

Airline employees are prostrate before the abuses of the elite, and so subtly struggle to throw up obstacles to the elite's success, if only by causing irritation.

It's an argument against bad statistical interpretations that frequently arise in the social sciences and medicine[2] and elsewhere because p-values have become the altar at which all publishing researchers must prostrate themselves.

"Check your privilege" and similar anti-intellectualisms are internally thrown around like candy over any disagreement, new members are expected to prostrate themselves, and sub-communities are constantly splintering off and reemerging under new "leaders".

"each turn in the road reconnoitred in advance", "...the once tedious Mr. Nuttall had been injected with an ebullient charisma", "prostrate yourself before the altar of benumbing technology", "windswept promontory"...Perhaps an explanation can be found in the that I am merely an unlettered ignoramus too adherent of simpler writing styles.

It gets ridiculous after a while, because you find it hard to believe that someone can, say, claim that all ideologies are equally suspect and we must denounce the very possibility of knowledge itself if we are to get to the bottom of it all; and then in the next paragraph prostrate themselves dogmatically before some other thinker and quote their claims with all the reverence of Gospel truth, obviously bearing universally validity.

Prostrate definitions


get into a prostrate position, as in submission


render helpless or defenseless; "They prostrated the enemy"


throw down flat, as on the ground; "She prostrated herself with frustration"


stretched out and lying at full length along the ground; "found himself lying flat on the floor"

See also: flat


lying face downward

See also: prone