Proselytize in a sentence as a verb

The entire point of it is to proselytize for MS products.

I'm not sure what flavor the blog is promoting - I've seen people proselytize for both.

By far, anti-Haml people seem to be more likely to proselytize than pro-Haml people.

How are people going to demonstrate these in stores; how am I going to proselytize to my coworkers?

He seems to want to educate, moreso than proselytize.

Because they walk their talk and they don't feel a need to proselytize all within earshot, trying to force others to live by the same rules they do.

This is not what you probably heard your professors proselytize to the captive audience of a classroom.

However, go too crazy with it and you start to get into the realm of people who knock on random doors and proselytize their religion.

I'm fine with being proselytized at, because I'm okay with people trying to persuade me of their opinions on any subject -- I don't consider religion special here.

This at least lets you proselytize for your company without annoying your friends, and keeps personal stuff away from work associates if you so desire.

Not wanting to proselytize on a failure but presumably 15 minutes of graphic design input on the video thumbnail would have helped the Kickstarter pitch?

I don't mind the idea of proselytizing -- if you genuinely believe the stuff about salvation, then it's practically your duty to proselytize -- but your methods leave something to be desired!

> But this implicit line that there's a secret cabal of "capitalists" all persuaded by some idea that they never publicly proselytize, [...]The way the Marxist argument for class interest works, is that there does not need to be a secret cabal.

You are actively harming the public if you proselytize stuff like this, especially considering that most people just parrot what they hear without comprehension; one need look no further than Jimmy Kimmel's "which is better, the ACA or Obamacare?

The libertarianism Graham finds so attractive will sell the civil rights of a poorer person at the alter of the property rights of those with more economic power.> What I'd like to understand is why tedious ex-nerds like Graham feel an irresistible urge to proselytize Ayn Randian blather.

Learning a whole different SCM is a lot of work to avoid adding one line to a configuration file, don't you think?There isn't a Mercurial user alive who isn't thoroughly and completely aware of Git and all of its magical specialness, thanks to assholes like you who show up to all of our conversations to proselytize us.

Proselytize definitions


convert to another faith or religion

See also: proselytise