Propelling in a sentence as an adjective

Are propelling us to this world. It's a world where we have projects instead of jobs.

Walking means propelling itself, climbing up and down and be steered.

Guess its a weird question but does anyone know what the make of propelling pencil is in the photo of their drafting process? I'd be keen to lay my hands on one!

Spacecraft propelling astronauts to Mars and habitats on its surface must be equipped with shielding sufficient to block space radiation. Or you can just take your dose.

As a side note, she shouldn't shoot for the head anyway, especially if the bullet is going to go propelling out of the man. That's a great way to have unintended collateral damage.

And to make them feel as if they are equals he says "Oh well if you want you can work on these hash equations and free money will appear" but as long as it's propelling the greed for this "money" it will never hurt the value of his stash. Sad stuff.

Com/ -- granted the man has almost no perceptible taste, but he does make a decent Exhibit A for the propelling-pencil side of the argument.

\nI don't find it productive at all, I might read all day about things but that sure ain't propelling me anywhere ahead in work. \nScenario is that after a certain hours of sitting you do loose the consciousness quotient.

What exactly is propelling Voyager through interstellar space?

It might be technology that is propelling our societal ethics forward. We'll always have broken men and women who do terrible things, but we might not always have broken societies that lynch, torture, pollute, and war.

DA is a stepping stone to governor and senate there is much incentive for DAs to seek the death penalty due to all the media attention these trials receive, propelling the DA into a household name. The more inmates you **** the bigger your public profile.

Further, optimal wheel design matters most when you're propelling or steering the vehicle, as in a bicycle or motorized car / cart. In this case I suspect you'd be better off with the advantages of a pneumatic tire than the adaptability of this "Roadless" design.

You're honestly advocating more racial profiling and propelling us towards the state of racism, hatred, and paranoia of Israel? Really?

Japan is an excellent example of high adoption rates propelling mobile data networks, and sane governance enabling advancements.

By lowering the barrier to distribution, you're almost certainly propelling a lot of people to working on musical projects which would otherwise fall by the wayside because there's no obvious end goal.

> There is a bitter irony in how the technology that was supposed to bring us to a Friedmanite border-less world is also propelling us towards an Orwellian one where the power brokers can achieve omnipotence and force projection without, eventually, requiring the buy-in of a single human being. I disagree with this.

If the drive is propelling something to get tens of µN, you could float strips of thin plastic film across the supposed path of reaction matter and it'd be visibly accelerated by collisions with that something, at least if my math is right.

So he assumes a very small ship and mysterious ways of propelling it in order to sketch an estimate of the minimum amounts of energy involved. Ripping an even bigger hole in physics might throw acceleration and momentum out the window, but assuming 100% efficient transmission of energy across 24 light years already requires something pretty strange to us.

My next suspects for error would be that the device is propelling itself through heat dissipation or electrostatic ally by throwing off charged particles. Both of those possible confounding factors are testable, either by measuring heat via IR imaging and computing what propellant effect that heat would have of by dummying up the null device to produce and dissipate an identical amount of energy to the non-null device.

Propelling definitions


tending to or capable of propelling; "propellant fuel for submarines"; "the faster a jet plane goes the greater its propulsive efficiency"; "universities...the seats of propulsive thought"

See also: propellant propellent propulsive