Propellent in a sentence as a noun

Lead and propellent, the gun is just a convenient tube and handle.

That would have required a plane change maneuvre that cost much more propellent than they had on board.

Rocket equation says you will run out of propellent [your "something"] faster than you would like.

They've got a problem with the propellent system, but they think it's a clog from some nitrogen bubbles, not that it's out of hydrazine. They're hoping to fix the problem this week.

The rocket equation still applies, but the propellent velocity is so high that you don't a large mass fraction.

This is why we feel that water might be a great propellent solution to our problem. So as you can tell one solution for one company does not make sense for another company.

He landed with less than 30 seconds of reserve propellent. Errors in re-entry burns can lead to entering the atmosphere too quickly or too shallowly.

> the propellent is O2 and CH4 [1] > that results in CO2 and CH4 The chemical reaction of O2 + CH4 -> CO2 + CH4 does not compute. More likely is the reaction 2 O2 + CH4 -> CO2 + 2 H2O. So no methane emissions, that's the actual fuel.

> For this reason you usually have a large imbalance of one propellent to the other to keep the temperature down. So how large is that imbalance usually, or in the case of the Merlin 1C?

Propellent in a sentence as an adjective

> You can't maintain a cluster of things in orbit without actively expending propellent. Well, or physically connecting them with tethers.

Crack is the supersonic crack of the round, then explosion of the round when it hits the ground and the "brrrr" is the sound of the propellent gases leaving the barrel of the gun.

Well unfortunately Hydrogen is a shitty propellent in every other measure. It doesn’t compress well so yet requires larger, heavier tanks.

That said, I believe they discovered the propellent pressurizing system was out of gas and the probe could not execute the trajectory course correction. Sad but an excellent effort all around.

What do you do about the millions of pounds of propellent that's already out there today? What do you do about the fact that those millions of pounds of currently existing propellent do not have any kind of "isotopes or whatever" tags in them?

You can’t maintain a cluster of things in orbit without actively expending propellent. At best you can have either a long line of cube sats in the exact same orbit, or so many of them in different orbits that you can always communicate between orbits.

One of the things that was to enable the polar orbit was a new set of solid rocket boosters, the 'Filament-wound' models that had a lighter weight outer case, and more propellent. The book Riding Rockets was written by an astronaut who was in the middle of prep on that discovery mission when Challenger happened, and has a few details on the proposed polar orbit launch.

The solution to this was to overclock the CPU by double, and redirect a tiny amount of the liquid oxygen that happened also to be used in the propellent system to cool down the electronics. This apparently worked fine - by the time the missile ran out of LOX and the electronics burned themselves out, it was going so fast on a ballistic trajectory that it couldn't be reasonably steered anyway.

Propellent definitions


any substance that propels

See also: propellant


tending to or capable of propelling; "propellant fuel for submarines"; "the faster a jet plane goes the greater its propulsive efficiency"; "universities...the seats of propulsive thought"

See also: propellant propelling propulsive