Procreative in a sentence as an adjective

Indeed, people not having procreative sex would be more correct.

Gold, however, has two significant shortcomings, being neither of much use nor procreative.

Not only should we mostly give up games, but also film, TV, fictional books, travelling for pleasure, non-procreative sex.

That is far more than people who die from homosexual sex, yet no one sought to prove that marital procreative sex was immoral because of this.

Men and women come together to form the social basis of society, namely the procreative household.

But realistically a lot of jobs obviously have no connection to procreative success.

If it were possible to ban all non-procreative sex acts and all forms of contraception, it definitely would affect how many children are born.

Their union thus not only signifies their mutual gift of self to each other, but also serves as a creative act, a procreative act that generates life.

Fewer cultures don't have rituals involving procreative marriage than don't have rituals for funerals, etc.>Religion is a "Big ******* Deal" in all ******* cultures.

They did this cartoon to denounce the way the French Minister of Justice was mocked in some conservative demonstrations around marriage equality and access to assisted procreative technologies as a monkey.

This is identical reasoning to social conservatives who would say that the solution to STDs and unplanned pregnancies is to stop having non-procreative sex, rather than wasting effort on vaccines and contraceptives that will never be 100% effective.

Is this a one-way street?Aristotelian social theory basically states that men and women come together in procreative unions which form households and these form the basic mechanisms of cultural transmission and development.

Privacy law protects a woman's choice to terminate an unwanted pregnancy, a homosexual male's choice to privately engage in ****** with the consent of another, and a heterosexual couple's choice concerning the use of contraception for non-procreative sex.

Or are you going to try to convince us that the still-childless Mr. Wozniak drove himself furiously to invent the Apple I and II as part of a strategy to improve his procreative success?Evolutionary psych is a field that has useful things to say, but only to the extent that it avoids being the 21st-century version of cocktail-party Freudianism.

Procreative definitions


producing new life or offspring; "the reproductive potential of a species is its relative capacity to reproduce itself under optimal conditions"; "the reproductive or generative organs"

See also: generative reproductive