Generative in a sentence as an adjective

Let's see if it is enough technology out there to generative the energy we need.

One of the Haskell creators also created Quickcheck, a generative testing tool where tests are written in Haskell.

They are tools for generative design, and not really decorative filters as many might presume.

They kinda take the generative/programmatic art thing to the extreme, and do everything in real-time.

Not counting the external procedural/generative design tools/Werkzeuge, btw.

They're in a dominant market position, sure, they're cash-generative, sure, but if they don't do research, their position becomes ever more uncertain.

This particular chip is better for many types of bayesian and or generative machine learning algorithms.

So you use a probabilistic program to model some probabilistic generative process.

For my Master's thesis, I implemented a generative communication [1] engine.

This also allows us to think about knowledge and learning in much more creative ways, rather than choosing to major in art or computer science, you could say I want to use genetic algorithms to create generative art, now how do I get there?

It is interesting for computer scientists, physicists, biologists, biochemists, economists, mathematicians, philosophers, generative scientists and others to observe the way that complex patterns can emerge from the implementation of very simple rules.

Generative definitions


having the ability to produce or originate; "generative power"; "generative forces"

See also: productive


producing new life or offspring; "the reproductive potential of a species is its relative capacity to reproduce itself under optimal conditions"; "the reproductive or generative organs"

See also: procreative reproductive