Presentation in a sentence as a noun

This deck was clearly intended to augment a presentation -- where is that archived?

They lean towards occasional blog posts and Google IO presentation videos to pick up the slack.

Not writing tests is not the only software taboo that I break when I write PHP: I happily mix up presentation and logic all the time.

I talk about this in every single presentation Ive ever given about sharding[0]: do no wait too long to add capacity.

We could debate whether this would "work" on a practical level as if this was a Powerpoint presentation for Steve Ballmer and we're supposed to predict how he'd react.

There was a time when TED talks were mostly academics squeezing their usual hour long presentation into 20 minutes by simply talking really really fast.

Capping at 12 would mean that both parties arguing might get the same public presentation of 00FF00 and that might quell the need for parties to prove that they're the winner of the argument by popular vote.

They give you some work to do on a document or presentation, you spend a few hours doing it and get it back to them, and then you wait for them to get it back to you for another round of edits.

I felt silly for not realizing it beforehand, partially because danah had hung out at my house at hackathons and such even, and I just didn't get it until her presentation.

What do you want to improve?This whole email is broken thing is just done for the sake of getting attention, making a lame conference presentation "disruptive" or getting some crappy todo app funded.

During one surreal leadership presentation where hundreds of people joined via a web meeting and many more were present in person, someone forgot to lock down presenter rights, and people kept drawing on the slides.

On top of the raw calculations, it was also performing some automated results analysis and spitting out ready to present artifacts that could be stuck in your presentation tool of choice.

A woman who already speaks and organizes events is writing and illustrating a children's book about programming–and some of you sit and criticize her motives, pedagogy, and presentation skills from your desks.

All that said, I liked the punchy, colorful style with which the speaker presented his points and I can appreciate that the points made, and the manner of presentation, can cause young graduates to examine their premises and to think about what they really want to do with their lives.

If she's too tough she's marked as an "angry *****" and will get rejected, if she's not perfectly competent in areas far outside of her job function, she'll be marked as "stupid" and get rejected, etc. etc. Cultivating authority, for a woman, requires a degree of careful presentation and balance that is very hard to do and most men don't have to deal with.

I've worked for some very good women bosses and a women CEO and I admired their ability to find that balance and presentation style that gave them command without them appearing as an "angry *****" or "stupid".I've also worked with some women that couldn't find that balance, they weren't really doing anything a reasonably competent man wouldn't do, but were marked with gendered epithets and eventually driven from their job.

Presentation definitions


the activity of formally presenting something (as a prize or reward); "she gave the trophy but he made the presentation"


a show or display; the act of presenting something to sight or view; "the presentation of new data"; "he gave the customer a demonstration"

See also: presentment demonstration


the act of making something publicly available; presenting news or other information by broadcasting or printing it; "he prepared his presentation carefully in advance"


the act of presenting a proposal


a visual representation of something

See also: display


formally making a person known to another or to the public

See also: introduction intro


(obstetrics) position of the fetus in the uterus relative to the birth canal; "Cesarean sections are sometimes the result of abnormal presentations"