Preeminence in a sentence as a noun

If you really want dedicated lanes and preeminence then pay your fair share.

I have a feeling that, as their electronics preeminence waned, they were probably in denial for a long time.

The technology actually isn't in question here; Illumina has entirely earned its preeminence in the field of DNA sequencing.

> it's better to be the giver than receiverThe war spending, coming at the same time as the derivative crash, could be blamed for speeding the end of American global preeminence.

They withdrew any kind of usable search API a long time ago, considering Google's preeminence in search that is rather insular and not helpful for finding novel ways to build on search.

This is, after all, the company that Woz founded, that employed Raskin and Kay, that still employes Bud Tribble...but I, personally, think that the "glory days" of Apple/NeXT's preeminence in core software are behind them.

"Apple went to the brink of ruin and bounced back to usability preeminence using Unix code, but violating -- nay, extravagantly violating -- the Unix philosophy when it comes to user interfaces.

In the meantime, Apple went to the brink of ruin and bounced back to usability preeminence using Unix code, but violating -- nay, extravagantly violating -- the Unix philosophy when it comes to user interfaces.

His first email to employees, sent just after he assumed the CEO mantel on earlier this year, was filled with bombastic and false platitudes:ā€¯mantel: a beam, stone, or arch serving as a lintel to support the masonry above a fireplacemantle: a figurative cloak symbolizing preeminence or authority the mantle of leadership>

Preeminence definitions


high status importance owing to marked superiority; "a scholar of great eminence"

See also: eminence distinction note