Predetermine in a sentence as a verb

That type of intelligence does not predetermine being an *******.

"The fact that i have to predetermine the length of a string is laughable... Thats not the case with js or even with php to some extent.

The other one is to "rig" an election, or to illegally predetermine the result.

I don't agree on the face-to-face part.\nRemote work does not predetermine bad communication.

Bilbo could then monitor Alexandria's calls for an encoded message via a protocol they predetermine.

My point is that you can't establish criteria that will predetermine your response to a given situation unless you subscribe to an extremely simplistic ideology.

No, the reason they couldn't give you a straight answer is because which of those mutations would be acquired, and in what proportions, depends on evolution, on selective pressures...and we can't predetermine what those selective pressures will be!

Obviously there's a flaw that you'd need to predetermine the number of participants and choose a number of slots higher than that, and it'd be less efficient because you'd be sending data that isn't necessary, but might be worthwhile if the benefit of the communication is great enough.

Predetermine definitions


determine beforehand


cause to be biased

See also: bias