Preciously in a sentence as an adverb

Case studies like yours are preciously rare on HN.

I also shared preciously short period of time in the same lab with Paul.

What you think of as "mostly free" may be preciously expensive to someone else.

No point to them really, not if you look at how preciously little there is that's actually original in any innovative product.

Life is preciously short, and we owe it to ourselves not to waste energy on the absolute wheel-spinning nonsense that kids all too often inflict on each other.

I sold my company ~ 6 months ago, and was grateful I had put some much effort into deliberate document / book keeping for preciously that reason.

He acquired his notoriety preciously because of his disgusting actions.

What you are looking for is thrust/power, and even a device that converts energy to photons with 100% efficiency produces preciously little thrust per power used.

Privacy protection of the citizens and intellectual property protection have preciously little to do with each other.

There is malaria and schistosomiasis, these two are holding back development of the African continent; there is also the emerging threat of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis, yet there is preciously little research done into these because there is little money to me made.

The article's premise is spot-on about mixed-race Britons playing a role in finding our way through the mess that we've made of identity politics but preciously for the opposite reason that they seem to suggest.> Yet much of the focus on symbolic and systemic racism overlooks the growing significance of mixed-race Britons, who often defy labels.

Preciously definitions


extremely; "there is precious little time left"

See also: precious