Precious in a sentence as an adjective

I would've loved to cash in on those most precious of internet points.

Would you then want some angry ******* on the internet to mock you and call you a precious snowflake?

This stuff is spontaneous and fast-flowing and it's precious.

There have been precious few people in the world, over the entire history of computing, who have been able to do it reliably.

Precious in a sentence as an adverb

There is much in life that is precious and people everywhere share these things, whether they are forced to do things they don't want or not to earn a livelihood.

Starving artists who are starving because they think that they are a precious snowflake immune to Microeconomics 101 are an entirely different problem.

Considering how apparent it was that Steves health was gravely bad and rapidly deteriorating, we all in the back of our minds knew the time we had him in this world was limited and precious.

Precious definitions


characterized by feeling or showing fond affection for; "a cherished friend"; "children are precious"; "a treasured heirloom"; "so good to feel wanted"

See also: cherished treasured wanted


of high worth or cost; "diamonds, sapphires, rubies, and emeralds are precious stones"


held in great esteem for admirable qualities especially of an intrinsic nature; "a valued friend"; "precious memories"

See also: valued


obviously contrived to charm; "an insufferably precious performance"; "a child with intolerably cute mannerisms"

See also: cute


extremely; "there is precious little time left"

See also: preciously