Precariousness in a sentence as a noun

On one hand I sympathize with the drivers, in the precariousness of their work.

The Latin root of precariousness is “to obtain by prayer”.

The precariousness the author describes is real, at least in my experience.

Part of the renting problem in the US isn't the ownership arrangement, but rather the precariousness.

Cringley mentioned the precariousness of Google's position as the #1 search engine.

First of all, it signals precariousness and non-seriousness.

The frequency and tone of drives might imply some precariousness, but taken alone Wikipedia is fairly firmly in the green.

Well, middle class now is closer to working class precariousness, than before, so it's not exactly that "every pair of points is further apart than it used to be".

First of all, it signals precariousness and non-seriousnessSo you would have avoided Apple and Amazon then?

Does that suggest something about the precariousness of MCD's business model or about the severity of the credit crisis?

The precariousness of health insurance in the United States is unjust, and we should be frustrated and angry about it, and channel that frustration into action.

The anonymous one increases the interest, because it better demonstrates the danger, the precariousness.

"This paradox between our affluence as consumers and our precariousness as workers poses economic, political, and moral conundrums.

" -- H. SchopperThis policy, which leaves the staff member in the unknown for almost five years concerning the possibility of obtaining an IC, ensures too great a flexibility to the Organization and imposes too much precariousness and insecurity on the staff.

I attribute this to the changing social dynamics: while the black kids who weren't getting the best-of-the-best scores had already been tracked into standard classes and could read the writing on the wall in terms of how academia was going to treat them going forward, the mediocre, insecure, and would-be upwardly-mobile white kids were becoming aware of the precariousness of their situation.

Precariousness definitions


extreme dangerousness


being unsettled or in doubt or dependent on chance; "the uncertainty of the outcome"; "the precariousness of his income"

See also: uncertainty uncertainness