Practicable in a sentence as an adjective

But for 90% of cases doing it yourself is eminently practicable.

- As soon as practicable give a report to the captain and if necessary ask him to land the plane.

It's one or the more rational, practicable alternatives to POW I've seen proposed.

When you decide to stop sharing, the data no longer serves that purpose and hence should be removed as soon as practicable.

If you don't feel safe biking along a strech without taking the lane, then the middle of the lane can be "as close to the right as practicable".

But once cars became practicable and affordable, they replaced horses in the time of a generation.

These scopes are more practicable now, when the prognostics of the political and economic barometer are halcyonic.

What having a good age clock of this accuracy allows is the practicable development of age slowing pharmaceuticals that can be shown to work in humans.

I'm not going to argue that the vice laws we have today are coherently enforceable or practicable, but there is more to the issue of outlawing prostitution than Puritan moralism.

Why is the only practicable way to change something like the filesharing prohibition, as you suggest, to give up everything else and run for a political office?> We need to turn this thought experiment into reality, get people into the gears and sockets of our societyWhat you're suggesting is basically trying to inject "our" people into the ruling caste because it is completely decoupled from the ruled one. I'd rather say that we simply need significantly more democracy.

They also made attempts to organize along trade union lines instead - which reduces the stratification problem somewhat since a trade is not a single economic unit - but having the electricians and the mechanics within a factory report to different management was not practicable.

Section 251 was established to provide a secure legal basis for disclosure of confidential patient information for medical purposes, where it was not possible to use anonymised information and where seeking consent was not practicable, having regard to the cost and technology available.

In advance of further discussion, my preliminary conclusion is that the vegan line is just as arbitrary as any other, but drawn so as to more tightly circumscribe those species on which the infliction of pain is acceptable, presumably out of a desire to inflict the least possible harm -- an honorable intent, but I think not honorable enough to satisfy at least some vegans, who insist upon seeing themselves as taking the only moral option, rather than merely the least practicable immoral option.

Practicable definitions


usable for a specific purpose; "an operable plan"; "a practicable solution"

See also: operable


capable of being done with means at hand and circumstances as they are

See also: feasible executable viable workable