Executable in a sentence as an adjective

The executable described here is 4GB, that's 1/4 thte total space on a low end iPad!

Think about it this way: Take an arbitrary executable.

Had to patch the executable compiled with the Intel compiler in order to make it work unhindered on AMD's.

Soon I had a command-line executable that would hide or unhide my private partition with a single command.

The author tries to create the smallest possible elf executable possible.

I want that spec to be executable and available as a simple library with bindings to every language you can think of.

You can do better than this if you define a valid C program as anything that passes though the C compiler and generates an executable.

Sun continues distributing an executable Java platform which is nonfree, and other companies do so too.

Compile "Hello world" into an executable, and see how many kilobytes it takes on most architectures, despite the object file being a few bytes.

When the site is accessed, Chrome fetches and translates the portable executable into an architecture-specific machine code optimized directly for the underlying device.

Executable definitions


capable of being done with means at hand and circumstances as they are

See also: feasible practicable viable workable