Poverty in a sentence as a noun

I managed to pull myself out of poverty by learning PHP and getting a job in Chicago.

I could imagine that at some point that sort of thinking goes away and you believe poverty is a way of life.

Not exactly a bastion of poverty and destitution.

I can see where that is coming from, but the main factor that needs to be taken into account is the kind and scale of poverty that exists in India.

Because from childhood I know no human being died because of poverty - everything happens because of ignorance.

He's directed his ruthlessness away from business and toward hunger, poverty, and disease.

The administration says the poverty line is around 2200CHF per month for someone living alone [2].You can't really just convert to $ and say it's a lot of money.

Their world view traps them right where they are and their rejection, resentment, and hostility to a better way of life creates their poverty and isolation.

But declaring "war" on our own population is a pretty idiotic way to spend our social resources if you ask me. Just like the "war on poverty," the "war on illiteracy," the "war on obesity," and the "culture war," enough with the wars already.

I don't feel like taking a vow of poverty and toiling in the dungeons to develop some fundamental, difficult concept that someone else then takes, glues to something else, flips, and gets rich.

Most of them were born to a life where poverty, *****, violence and lack of education all being concentrated in their environment led to them being systematically channeled into prison.

There are bona fide geniuses working in poverty and obscurity, there are utterly mediocre programmers doing amazingly useful and important work.

Poverty definitions


the state of having little or no money and few or no material possessions

See also: poorness impoverishment