Poorness in a sentence as a noun

I use ubuntu on servers, so the relative poorness of the desktop version was a rude surprise.

Nah not really bro. market liberalism consistently lifts rich people further into richness and pounds poor people further into poornesscf.

And being from a place of relative poorness, where the asking price is equivalent to $400 dollars?Where exactly did you bought your moral high-standing?

Economic growth has historically brought much more wellness and brought up more people from poorness than any kind of State initiative.

But the magnitude of the poorness of the decision to adopt autoplay pales in comparison to other poor decisions made at the time.

Even if giving those 2 cents was an important decision for the woman considering her poorness, the piles given out by a richer man were much more valuable.

Wow, two distint populations correlations used to conclude heredity causes/affects poorness.

And it ignores the fact that there's millions of people just above the income cutoffs whose state of poorness is pretty indistinguishable from those that get coverage, but they're still completely on their own.

I wonder when will webkit devs face their mediocrity and the reality of their Haiti level human resources poorness and make the not dumb move of switching to improving chromium just like microsoft do. It's only a matter of time before major webapps stops working on webkit

The workaround is to add bias light behind the monitor; it quite literally provides a bias for the eye to keep it inside a certain adaption range, which reduces the perceived poorness of dark tones.

Granted its a single opinion and I may be an outlier but between the flashing gifs and the typesetting I would never have read all the way through this unless I had the intention of commenting about it's poorness.

So, do they consider them sub-human or something?Or maybe they are more concerned for the "I can exploit their poorness relative to our domestic wage demands and screw me fellow country-men".Oh, and it works both ways: next time some other country with cheaper wages than India developers a decent-ish IT education, those "poor Indian developers" would be dropped like dead weights in a race to the bottom...>If Californians dislike foreign workers so much, why are they still allowing people from the midwest to work there?

Poorness definitions


the state of having little or no money and few or no material possessions

See also: poverty impoverishment


less than adequate; "the relative poorness of New England farmland"


the quality of being meager; "an exiguity of cloth that would only allow of miniature capes"-George Eliot

See also: meagerness meagreness leanness scantiness scantness exiguity


the quality of being poorly made or maintained; "she was unrecognizable because of the poorness of the photography"