Potentiality in a sentence as a noun

Because it's not just the potentiality that matters, but the actuality too.

The \n cosmos exploded, actualizing its potentiality of space and time.

Once you appreciate that ESCs contain enough potentiality to form organs, the research kind of unfolds itself.

I could see a potentiality where an extremist extremely limits immigration.

As long as we can procreate faster than we can increase the yield of resources for allowing quality of life there will always be a potentiality of more people than we can support.

Because of this potentiality, firing a gun into the air is illegal in most states, and even in the states that it is legal, it is not recommended by the police.

So until this got officially updated, vendors were obligated to sell potentiality insecure products.

The children don't even know everything about how one brother sacrificed his potentiality and even to some extent his children's potentiality for the other brother.

Gould did not deny the relevance of biology to human nature, but reframed the debate as "biological potentiality vs. biological determinism".

Do we weep for Latin, or do we just celebrate the variety of cultures that had spawned from its ashes?It's easy to be initially emotional about the potentiality of having some languages lost in time, but it's just a tool with history.

I also think there's a potentiality, as open source continues to grow in popularity, for corporate-funded projects to be more alluring given that they provide a steady paycheck and benefits if you work for the company.

I agree with you that it's almost always contextual, but you'll find the odd person or two that feel very strongly about a low odd potentiality and it can definitely make you feel like their are some crazies...But I think everyone does this to some degree.

See also: International Art English"IAE rebukes English for its lack of nouns: Visual becomes visuality, global becomes globality, potential becomes potentiality, experience becomes...experiencability.

Potentiality definitions


the inherent capacity for coming into being

See also: potential potency


an aptitude that may be developed

See also: capability capableness