Polite in a sentence as an adjective

Google never should've tried to be "polite" about G+.

We do not live by the rule of law any more, that is a polite fable.

".For one, Americans don't just smile to be polite.

You are not famous for being you.#2 - YOU need to know how to be critical and polite.

Just trying to decide the politest way to debunk the idea that more Google +1s lead to higher Google web rankings.

It isn't polite to discuss his private identity.

However, I would appreciate it if you did not judge me and wrote your response in a more polite manner.

Everyone is too polite or concerned with HN decorum to say so but you're a ******* *******.

What you find to be rude or inattentive is considered polite in some European countries.

I'm trying to be polite, but my honest reaction to this interface was, "oh god, this is awful," when I tried to use the mouse to scroll the page.

And those of us who've tried either are polite or roll our eyes....However, this person has some legitimately great ideas.

It's not polite and it harms the process by which we can provide feedback about our distaste to people who want to wreck the Internet for personal gain.

"Despite my opinions about the lot of them, I am calm, polite, professional, and courteous in my interactions with them.

However, many people over a period of years said that this change needed to be made, in all of the friendly, ethical, polite OSS-approved ways.

If you happen to glance at someone's email you're expected to keep politely silent about it, as you would be if you happened to glimpse your neighbor through a window of their house.

At Portland and Seattle, for example, they're generally polite, friendly, and about as reasonable as it's possible to be while working within an unreasonable framework.

I, however, am getting increasingly uncomfortable with Google sitting in my living room, and am increasingly tempted to escort them politely but firmly to the door and then deliberately misplace their address.

I did a polite debunk of the idea that Google used Facebook shares in our web ranking at the conference, leading to this section in the 2011 blog post: "Rand pointed out that Google does have some access to Facebook data overall and set up a small-scale test to determine if Google would index content that was solely shared on Facebook.

My dropbox still has 30 PDFs for letters I sent to the 3 CRAs, several banks, and a few debt collection companies disputing the information on my report and taking polite professional notice that there was an easy way out of this predicament for them but that if they weren't willing to play ball on that I was well aware of the mechanics of the hard way.

Polite definitions


showing regard for others in manners, speech, behavior, etc.


marked by refinement in taste and manners; "cultivated speech"; "cultured Bostonians"; "cultured tastes"; "a genteel old lady"; "polite society"

See also: civilized civilised cultivated cultured genteel


not rude; marked by satisfactory (or especially minimal) adherence to social usages and sufficient but not noteworthy consideration for others; "even if he didn't like them he should have been civil"- W.S. Maugham

See also: civil