Debunk in a sentence as a verb

How about looking at those arguments and then debunk them?

Just trying to decide the politest way to debunk the idea that more Google +1s lead to higher Google web rankings.

Let's just debunk her theories if we don't believe her vs personally attacking her.

On another we have Zuk, hellbent at debunking the former's work, based solely on those arguments.

A strong handling of this would be to collaboratively debunk his arguments.

All he did was provide an example to debunk your notion that something should be obeyed simply because it's the law. I have no idea how you arrived at such an extreme conclusion that he's implying that both laws are equally evil.

Not that I necessarily buy in to the idea of "a coherent Military-Industrial Complex", but this doesn't really debunk much.

Equating failure to raise the debt ceiling with a default is a political ploy that nobody seems particularly in a hurry to debunk as both sides thinks it serves their purpose; if we're really unlucky they'll turn it into a default for political points.

But it does feel tbat a person must be deliberately trollin when they trot out the same tired ******** that other idiots spout, especially when that ******** has been debunked on the same forum that they're posting to and when it is so easy to debunk with a simple websearch.

I did a polite debunk of the idea that Google used Facebook shares in our web ranking at the conference, leading to this section in the 2011 blog post: "Rand pointed out that Google does have some access to Facebook data overall and set up a small-scale test to determine if Google would index content that was solely shared on Facebook.

Proper Noun Examples for Debunk

In that regard, with all due respect towards Mr. Develin, I'm going to have to "debunk" "Debunking Princeton.

Debunk definitions


expose while ridiculing; especially of pretentious or false claims and ideas; "The physicist debunked the psychic's claims"

See also: expose