Plodding in a sentence as a noun

Five years of steady plodding can get you pretty far.

He's something like 10% of the way but is still plodding along recording his progress.

They don't get as much done per hour, but they don't care as much because they love the parts even where they are just plodding along.

A slow plodding boat can survive everything, but you can't avoid anything.

Is that because the system is just plodding along running itself, or because this experiment was all over and done 4 years ago?

* Google is resistant to any change that might improve engineer productivity beyond the rather plodding rate it has now. C++ and Java are the real house languages; Scala's not even on the table.

Plodding in a sentence as an adjective

> * Google is resistant to any change that might improve engineer productivity beyond the rather plodding rate it has now. C++ and Java are the real house languages; Scala's not even on the table.

Yahoo has been, on the whole, an astonishingly successful company; they may not have been as sexy as those we cover here, but they've kept plodding along.

I'd assume: Vendor C #1 = Intel on Linux\n Vendor C #2 = Intel on Windows\n\nGiven the "open source wiz kids to keep driver #1 plodding forward" and "GL on this platform is totally a second class citizen" comments in each description.

And it's not that it wouldn't cause change, the social network inside worked through these issues with a plodding but deliberate slowness and sometimes those internal groups within groups might reach out to the original instigator, but more often not.

The original model of university student was the one Westfall described in his excellent biography of Newton: "a plodding group, narrowly vocational in outlook, lower-class youths grimly intent on ecclesiastical preferment as the means to advancement.

"a plodding group, narrowly vocational in outlook, lower-class youths grimly intent on ecclesiastical preferment as the means to advancement"The irony is that today's anti-university movement is largely composed of people of this personality; just replace "ecclesiastical" with "technological", and you've captured the essence of the popular arguments for dropping out.

Plodding definitions


hard monotonous routine work

See also: drudgery grind donkeywork


the act of walking with a slow heavy gait; "I could recognize his plod anywhere"

See also: plod


(of movement) slow and laborious; "leaden steps"

See also: leaden