Pleasurable in a sentence as an adjective

Why wouldn't you want to make the 95% case more pleasurable at the expense of a few black bars on the top and bottom of your movie?

At this point I feel that I might as well have a working theory of "if it is pleasurable or comfortable, it kills me" and go from there...

It will only become less relevant to me the day a new language comes along that is even more pleasurable to program in.

They weren't pleasurable, they were boring and often felt unnecessary.

Really, buying anything with Bitcoin is pleasurable experience... even simply to not be beholden to any bank to send money is amazing.

I get paid to write, formulate, and conceptualize iOS Apps and how they connect with Android, our web services and designing the experience for the easiest use and most pleasurable use.

50% of the time you eat you might find it tedious and boring, so you can leave the other 50% for pleasurable eating and cooking or whatever else you enjoy about non-clinical cuisine!

I love the pleasurable effects of alcohol as much as the next person, but 4 times out of 5 I'm only after the flavor and being forced to stop drinking something that tastes awesome due to the effect it's about to have on me totally sucks.

It will mean politics, hardwork, backstabbing...But I believe I have a duty to do, and I must do it, and I will venture doing that, and when I get rich, I know I will have to fight very hard to use the money for what I planned, instead of wasting it all in pleasurable stuff.

Pleasurable definitions


affording satisfaction or pleasure; "the company was enjoyable"; "found her praise gratifying"; "full of happiness and pleasurable excitement"; "good printing makes a book more pleasurable to read"

See also: enjoyable gratifying