Enjoyable in a sentence as an adjective

I've done both hard, boring work, and easy, efficient and enjoyable work.

The resurrection of Apple was one of the most enjoyable things I followed in my childhood.

Sure, some startups are total ****, others are actually pretty enjoyable places to work.

This also caused normal, life things that were once enjoyable to become less so, such as hanging out with friends or programming.

I spent a very enjoyable few weeks implementing my PhD thesis for these customers.

Do you care whether your accountant's idea of an enjoyable Friday night is sitting at home making more spreadsheets?

Though the time I spend here on HN is both enjoyable and educational, a few months ago I ran an interesting test.

We should use shared_ptr insteadIt has begun!One of the most enjoyable features of C++ is the arguing over which parts of the language should be allowed.

This campaign is not about building a new game: the game already exists as shown in the video and is even in an enjoyable-to-play state.

This would have been a significantly more enjoyable experience if the title of the submission didn't give away the ending.

If you are not enjoyable to interact with people won't be your friend because friendship isn't an entitlement: it's a collaborative project.

Microsoft was weird in a sort of cult like way, and had its own management problems, but was much more enjoyable... and really treated their employees a whole lot better.

Wonderful for the fact that with just five ingredients, it created subtle, delicious flavors and enjoyable textures.

Once a person is paid for a habit they previously only did for enjoyment, the habit will generally become less enjoyable.

His work as a "freelancer professor" showed how much he cared about children learning programming as an enjoyable activity, not as a way to increase the supply of professional programmers.

I almost certainly enjoy life more than I would if I were forced to take an unpleasant job, but there are many other things a person can do to make life enjoyable besides trying to win the startup lottery.

Enjoyable definitions


affording satisfaction or pleasure; "the company was enjoyable"; "found her praise gratifying"; "full of happiness and pleasurable excitement"; "good printing makes a book more pleasurable to read"

See also: gratifying pleasurable