Placed in a sentence as an adjective

He placed a buy order, and was matched to someone selling. How on earth is that "stealing"?

- Mike has apparently set his cell phone ringer volume to "over 9000" and has placed it next to his mic. - "Can you see my screen?"

It is not some genetic gift/curse only placed on a few people. As a matter of fact nobody is ever always right-brained/left-brained.

If you do things right only the functions you are actually using will get placed in there as well. Do not reinvent the wheel to solve problems that can't be solved in much cleaner and nicer ways.

"By late Tuesday, some 70,000 calls had been placed to legislators and roughly 150,000 people had sent their representatives an email." What was to be expected?

The end result is basically the same, except less load is placed on the exchange's matching engine. There's nothing "rigged" about this behavior.

Whenever a new feature is debated internally, it will have to be placed in the closed or open bracket. The more complicated the feature, the more likely it's going to be closed.

It so happened that the airline had placed an expensive ad, linked to the query that was its name. A better search engine would not have required this ad, and possibly resulted in the loss of the revenue from the airline to the search engine.

And with its resources, inhouse expertise, and no truly successful mobile platform to evangelize, Microsoft seems well placed to take on such a role.

The severe restriction placed on travelers is similar to a trend of restrictions placed upon soldiers following 9/11. The reaction is CYA for senior leadership/command.

I'm British, and I am largely ashamed that pressure is not being placed on Sweden by the foreign minister to have them reinvestigate the extradition request. Also, Sweden will, and has previously done all it can to scratch America's back.

During the discussion, the departing CEO stated he had placed 3 very important letters in his drawer just as his predecessor had done for him. He explained that the new CEO would find opening the letters in order most useful when a serious event took place.

Around 8pm, I was personally escorted by two other officers to a courthouse in downtown Brooklyn, where I was retina scanned and placed in a holding cell with around 10 other criminals. Charges ranged from domestic abuse to armed robbery.

It's related to Goodhart's Law: Any observed statistical regularity will tend to collapse once pressure is placed upon it for control purposes. This is often the result of attempting to overoptimize a system.

-After a tourniquet is properly placed, the arterial flow is halted. Trauma teams have learned from military and orthopedic surgeons that tourniquets are much safer than traditionally understood.

I'd been hired part-time, but I worked full time, and then some, spurred on by my mis-placed sense of loyalty and necessity to cope with my workload. Then at the end of the year they said they couldn't afford to give me back the pay cut, and a couple of months later they announced they were going to be acquired - conveniently close to the year end to be a coincidence.

When you're placed in a holding cell the police will remove your laces from your boots so you don't hang yourself, that's how heavy being imprisoned can weigh on some. Aaron did something that he thought was right, that he truly believed in and that upset a large number of applecarts and that had far reaching implications, had the proverbial book thrown at him and then some.

For those who don't know, if you see a story in your local paper, and it doesn't involve a car crash, crime, weather, or sports, it was probably placed there by a PR representative. Most of the things you read are not the result of random reporters deciding to cover X or Y, but a paid, concerted effort to place story X or Y in the paper by providing the paper with a fully pre-digested story to perhaps rewrite, or perhaps not.

He has no concept of the kind of stress placed on engineers, little grasp of the work environments he wants people to put up with, and as a VC, has a massive conflict of interest. Invoking a respected name through excerpts of a document that offered only a narrow, fuzzy window into what jwz went through in order to lure young hackers to an inevitable burnout for a likely reward of zilch is just scummy, and it is in no way unfair to call Arrington on his BS.

In his case he was 17 in his Sr year, in an IB program where he normally split his time between high school and college classes and was on track to graduate high school with 2 years of college credit, but as a result of his expulsion he was placed in an alternative school where he could no longer take IB classes or his college classes so it was determined he was not receiving an appropriate education. Personally I was detained in school by the secret service for counterfeiting when I was 14, I received no school related disciplinary action, and as a direct result I am a lawyer who gives back to children in similar circumstances - how many have lost a similar opportunity to learn from their mistakes and allow their mistakes to have a positive impact of their future?

Placed definitions


situated in a particular spot or position; "valuable centrally located urban land"; "strategically placed artillery"; "a house set on a hilltop"; "nicely situated on a quiet riverbank"

See also: located situated


put in position in relation to other things; "end tables placed conveniently"