Located in a sentence as an adjective

, and start a hedge fund that is actually located in a hedge.

Their whole intention was for me to retrieve information from those databases that were located in foreign countries. They were going to use me to get to the clients.

* Are the programmers entering the country located in similar geographical areas to the programmers that are local? If this is not the case, then, again, you are not likely to see much of an impact.

We have located two lawyers thanks to your help, one of them was willing to take the case warts and all but not currently in Delhi, the other is in Delhi and also willing to take the case. I've put the lawyers in touch with her, Delhi police and each other.

The hardware is located in physical space. As long as it's all in the United States, it's just not that hard to find the operator of a website based on the domain name, and that is not what the entertainment lobby is concerned about.

It's particularly sad because it's located in Chicago, where it's easy to get an inexpensive office lease. Later: the equity math is apparently not as damning as it sounds, or, perhaps, not damning at all.

Nothing came of it besides an unwanted "please call me" message from him, but it's not a far reach from there to actually being located physically and confronted. We sent this man to jail and changed our names to keep away from him, and Facebook, in spite of their "privacy" settings, let him get a glimpse back into our lives.

If you want to start an online financial services business, the first thing to do is start researching the legal requirements for doing so, both where your business is located and where most of your likely customers will be. Not looking at them doesn't mean the rules don't apply, it's just grossly—potentially criminally—negligent.

With this information in hand, we both headed to the first store on the list, a GameStop located about 10 minutes from the school, and the first purchase attempt happened 15 minutes after school ended - the culprit wasted no time. We speak to the manager of the GameStop who understands the situation and is eager to help, but only with the presence of the police.

I have a crappy apartment in a perfect location; most of my coworkers have beautiful, new houses in distant, desolate suburbs; and a few blocks away from me there are beautiful high-rise condos that are nicer than my coworkers' houses and more centrally located than my crappy apartment. I could afford one of those condos if I stopped contributing to my 401k and stopped saving for a down payment on a house.

>I'd really like to see Wikileaks devoting more of its time, energy, >and fund-raising into breaking news about government-operated >surveillance programs in the last two countries where Edward >Snowden has been located, namely China and Russia. I cannot speak for China, but majority of Russians lack a natural compass/taste for civil liberties and human rights: they haven't had the time to develop one.

Located definitions


situated in a particular spot or position; "valuable centrally located urban land"; "strategically placed artillery"; "a house set on a hilltop"; "nicely situated on a quiet riverbank"

See also: placed situated