Piping in a sentence as a noun

Let's just skip to the end, shall we?A: omg you're piping curl to bash!

The water comes from your water piping, not the toilet bowl.

At 50K packets/sec, piping tshark to mysql and 11 indexes simply wouldn't cut it.

There are funny things that happen to steel piping at 2250 psi and 600 degrees Fahrenheit.

Great idea, piping around objects instead of text, but wait, they must be .NET objects.

I looked at the script and I know it looks fine but piping a raw curl into a shell interpreter is just a bad practice.

He told me stories about replacing piping in a water cooled electronics room.

He built an intake channel off the main stream that flows into a forebay, where the penstock and piping system is installed.

What's the difference between piping to a shell and running a random executable or installing a random ppa?

Piping in a sentence as an adverb

I'm sorry for being snarky, but something seems funny to me about piping something straight from github through bash to check for a security flaw.

Streams are great until you realize that when the thing that you are piping stdout to blocks then your program goes to sleep too... all because something couldn't process your debug logs?

If anything what the author describes is a "philosophy of Acme" -- do as much as possible by piping in and out of external processes.

I'll gladly defer to an astrophysicist on matters of the universe, a plumber on piping, or a mechanic on auto repair.

I guess my point is, the by product of protecting your piping from clogs and damage to turbine blades, you are helping to preserve the natural ecosystem!

If you're piping "ls | grep" there is no reason for "ls" to dump to text and "grep" to parse it back from text, especially since "grep" doesn't know anything about the format of ls's output.

Why does piping commands in to bash from the internet take on a magical security significance for people who run software they haven't audited literally all the time?

It is estimated that by piping uncontaminated, chlorinated water to households, it is possible to reduce diarrhea by up to 95 percent.

And what is a shell, besides a programming language for gluing together other programs?Now, if you mean that no one is writing full-scale professional desktop or web applications by piping together sed and awk, then of course you are correct.

Piping definitions


a thin strip of covered cord used to edge hems


a long tube made of metal or plastic that is used to carry water or oil or gas etc.

See also: pipe pipage


playing a pipe or the bagpipes


(used of heat) extremely; "the casserole was piping hot"

See also: steaming