Perusing in a sentence as a noun

The age of perusing the belongings of dead people is past, for better or worse. And how about letters?

I hope they enjoy perusing my 200 rows of a database and weep with me over my failure of a website.

Lastly, I spent some time perusing other posts on this blog. They are not furthering any discussion, to put it mildly.

I'm also now looking forward to perusing the 2012 Ninja C paper. One small change I would make to the preprint would be to better normalize the graph symbols.

> And last but not least, Wikileaks seems to be actively perusing leaks in banks and financial organizations. If you bite the hand that feeds you ...

I suggest perusing the ssh man, then, as it seems likely that it has other capabilities you don't know about.

Oh how I would **** to be the lawyers perusing employment agreements, anti-poaching clauses, etc right now. And very much looking forward to Disrupt this week.

The rooms are pretty sound-proofed, so you don't hear them as you're perusing the books. There's also quiet study rooms where you can do your business if you want to be absolutely quiet.

If I were some one interested in investigating this, I'd be perusing Mercedes to see what they have to say.

Her outlook, her willingness to act in perusing her goals and enrichment - in spite of her "silver spoon" - puts her ahead of a lot of people. Do not underestimate the power of taking things for granted.

* DDE still works, matter of fact - perusing the list of hot questions on StackOverflow I saw a question about it today. * Encarta was a developer product?

So like a hundred years ago you would be saying, "Upon perusing my letters received via post, I always immediately incinerate them in the woodstove." That's one way to live, I guess...

It's unfortunate RWT has such a shitty search feature, but it's worth perusing their forums to read Linus's criticisms of IA-64. He points out that the extensive predication in IA-64 makes an out of order implementation much more complicated.

When I'm going into a client's office to spend the day working with them, one of the first things I do is spend 10-15 minutes perusing the commit history to see what's changed in the 4-5 days since I last looked at their codebase. I'd love to be able to do that, as well as do code reviews, on the bus/subway on the way into the office.

I haven't seen any complaint about FBI agents perusing public web sites, or deputy US Marshals poking around public portions of Facebook to try to track down a fugitive. The flap over the last few weeks has been about government surveillance of information that was not intended to be public.

Com Look Inside" allowance - I've probably spent about 10+ Hours perusing this book. My takeaway, after admittedly putting only three or four months into this topic, is the following: o Very little has been donein the way of double-blinded, placebo controlled, rigorous nutrition studies.

Rather than fascism per-se, actions like holding people without charge, perusing their personal belongings and papers without due process, and threatening families or associates, are the marks of totalitarianism. It exists on both the right and left ends of the political spectrum.

While I doubt that many 75-year-olds waste time at work perusing HN, the article misses, downplays or misunderstands several important points: The justices' often use apparently clueless analogies to prompt the attorneys during oral arguments; these are suggestions that the argument needs to be clarified or reframed. Ultimatley, it's the attorneys job to make their cases, no matter how seemingly clueless the court might be.

It is clear from perusing the relevant discussion forums that there are a great many parents who are advocating the autoimmune hypothesis; While this of course has no bearing on the validity of the theory itself, it is highly pertinent when considering the theory's prominence in the mainstream media. As regards autism and IQ, your analogy to schizophrenia is completely inaccurate.

Perusing definitions


reading carefully with intent to remember

See also: perusal studying