Perusal in a sentence as a noun

A quick perusal of the top 50 selling apps suggests we're already there.

I have to say that a brief perusal sets off my crank alarms, although the author does appear to be a real physicist. ...

I have not been able to find any reference to this in a quick perusal of Shen's documentation.

This looks great based on my quick perusal. I'd be very surprised if the notes could teach these subjects to anyone who didn't have significant prior exposure.

My comment history is available for your perusal.

But a fast perusal of the comments shows that this approach is at best problematic. And a deeper reading of the comments suggests this might very well be a dangerous anti-pattern.

Org page beyond the perusal of article and comment content is strictly forbidden. Any means of accessing Adequacy.

At the time I was subscribed to their mailing lists, they were very active and a quick perusal suggests they're still active. If you want to know more about what people are using it for I'd highly recommend checking out the archives or asking them directly.

But, for anyone interested in academia, I think a perusal is in order. He does talk a lot about what life being an "institutionalized" academic is like.

After a quick perusal of their site I see they compare themselves only to web-m, and use generalized %'s to claim differences between products and processes. They say they've optimized for human perceptual quality.

Data are on my side here: a quick perusal of the Quake 3, the Linux kernel, the Clojure runtime, and LevelDB show that Carmack, Torvalds, Hickey, and Dean all use them where appropriate.

A quick perusal of said forums ensured a crappy day due to the vitriol and hate thrown towards the dev team, who were busting their humps to fix the product. I remember one commenter who sympathized with the dev team -- whenever I was down in the dumps, I would read his comment to trudge on.

Consider this a feature request: Google Cocoon, an on-request service that hides your personal information from search and perusal in special circumstances. Sounds like a can of worms, but interesting to think about.

From an initial perusal, I found these features note-worthy: * Explicit access to PC as a register, makes "computed goto" trivial and very natural. * Because of the above, there is no JMP instruction.

Also, it's pretty easy to detect the author's heavy bias against type systems just from a quick perusal of the first page. The methodology used is extremely questionable, not to mention that he doesn't even consider languages with type inference.

In fact, the US government is doing much more sophisticated eavesdropping of all our communications and storing it for later perusal. And they use the same "terrorism" justification as the dictators.

In fact, from a quick perusal, it seems that Nock is a minor variation on a graph rewriting system with the graphs restricted to DAGs, so... a studied and established theory of computation.

More importantly, every release requires a perusal: did the API change, what's new, are there breaking changes I need to be aware of? I didn't appreciate how nice a slow but consistent and deliberate release cycle was until I started using Ember which seems to release a new version monthly.

I'm not totally familiar with the issues here, but from an earlier perusal of the email threads on this, it seems like ASF's concern involves things like git's ability to edit the repository history.

Perusal definitions


reading carefully with intent to remember

See also: perusing studying