Perspicacious in a sentence as an adjective

It doesn't mean you're more perspicacious, it's just that standing on a hill, it's easy to see more.

I'm sure some other perspicacious HN goers can offer some more insight.

Buffet is perspicacious and patient, yes - but when you add that he has a $100B float to play with, you've really got something!

I'm not especially smart or perspicacious, but I gather from what she's told me that it didn't take her very long.

That's a perspicacious line of thinking, but beware of perverse incentives.

What confuses me is that perspicacious, while perhaps being a $10 word, is also phonetically fairly normal, which ought to be bad.

Slight smile, and say "Hi".It won't give you "charisma" but you will listen to and learn about many people, enrich your comprehension and become perspicacious about human nature.

Or people that live busy lives benefit from nudges in the same way calendar notifications are a feature for almost any calendar app for otherwise perspicacious people.

The points about "governance" emerging as an accident, a mistake even, were particularly perspicacious.

It is hard to be perspicacious with such a vast influx of information, and it is therefore comforting and hopeful to look back on a past from which one can extrapolate and understand causality.

This perspicacious understanding of technology trends I displayed may well have much to do with my current ramen and water diet and my distinct lack of super-villian hollowed-out volcano headquarters.

Perspicacious definitions


acutely insightful and wise; "much too perspicacious to be taken in by such a spurious argument"; "observant and thoughtful, he was given to asking sagacious questions"; "a source of valuable insights and sapient advice to educators"

See also: sagacious sapient


mentally acute or penetratingly discerning; "too clear-eyed not to see what problems would follow"; "chaos could be prevented only by clear-sighted leadership"; "much too perspicacious to be taken in by so spurious an argument"

See also: clear-eyed clear-sighted