Permeating in a sentence as an adjective

It's like a billion springs permeating a billion sponges. It's silly putty for computers.

If anything, the "digital age" is permeating lives faster and more broadly than the major changes that preceded it.

We're trying to build something that removes friction from the everyday use of Internet, which is permeating our lives nowadays. That said, we're testing to find out if we're right or not on the user profile.

I'm pretty sure aerographite is porous, and the numbers you're quoting don't count the mass of the air permeating the aerographite. You could wrap it in something like mylar, but it'd be less safe than helium.

The first generation to grow up with computers permeating many aspects of their lives has left college and entered the workforce in full swing. The internet generation is just about to get there.

You keep finding this mythmaking pretty much up to present-day, and permeating through other parts of the computing industry as well. It'll take a long time to untangle this and separate the myths from reality.

We don't have nearly the lead in our bodies that we did in the heyday of lead fuel additives, we don't have asbestos dust permeating our schools, and the ozone hole is shrinking. All of these positive outcomes were the result of regulation.

After reading the article, it became pretty clear to me that whatever manner of "culture" github appears to be permeating internally, she was very far from it. This indicates she was a bad hire from the get-go.

Tired of white male guilt permeating every other non-technical post. To me this colors the author is too extreme in their worldview, hence I am unlikely to seriously consider whatever he says after that.

Now that wealth from tech is permeating the city and bringing economic benefits, non tech people want the benefits derived from tech wealth without the side-effects. Thing is, if everyone of the 6million plus people in the Bay area earned 150k/year, we'd still have the same problems.

That said, I think you might be underestimating the speed at which data and coding is permeating various industries. The finance industry has almost totally converted...

That's a good point, but I think that present advantage will turn against China later on when all those only children find themselves having to support two elderly parents, a situation permeating the society on a massive scale. As they say, China's the first country to "get old before it got rich".

At least in discussions on Western websites, the outrage always has an underlying racism permeating it. None of these people really have any right to be upset; they didn't care about the artifact, they've probably never been to a museum, let alone done anything to help preserve these sorts of things.

* General negativity towards the religious zeal permeating through the Rails community.

The projection made wasn't about resulting presidential elections, it was about a permeating balkanization of political lines.

You can even say "Kind of Blue" is a Evans' LP by how much his influence on composition and arrangement is strong, how his "impressionist" way of playing is permeating everything... One of most underrated musicians ever.

Just because most engineers dislike political correctness and aren't doing anything to right structural inequities permeating our society doesn't mean they are racist. If they are passively supporting racist structures just by being white and operating within them, okay, that's a minor strike against them and feel free to slather on the white guilt, but it pales in comparison to the typical old boys club operations of most power structures in America.

It should start quickly and start recording quickly, possibly notifying me that while it can trivially determine my location from the wealth of Wi-Fi signals permeating the campus, it's going to throw up a modal d-box and demand a click from me b/c the GPS doesn't get an immediate fix when they turn it on until you've made three taps into the program.

Permeating definitions


spreading or spread throughout; "armed with permeative irony...he punctures affectations"; "the pervasive odor of garlic"; "an error is pervasive if it is material to more than one conclusion"

See also: permeant permeative pervasive