Peradventure in a sentence as a noun

Ye abandoned minions of an infatuated ministry, if peradventure any should yet remain among us! —remember that a Warren and Montgomery are numbered among the dead.

Peradventure in a sentence as an adverb

This is the thing about the Other; the very fact that anybody can claim it should refer to one thing and somebody else can claim it means something slightly different demonstrates beyond peradventure that there is no definitive answer as to what is under analysis.

Peradventure definitions


doubt or uncertainty as to whether something is the case; "this proves beyond peradventure that he is innocent"


by chance; "perhaps she will call tomorrow"; "we may possibly run into them at the concert"; "it may peradventure be thought that there never was such a time"

See also: possibly perchance perhaps maybe mayhap